Monday, 2 January 2012

Happiness is HERE and NOW

Happiness.. Who doesn't want it? Everybody always want to have a happy living. Some of you may think that "I will be happy if I can get this or that or find this or that or achieve this or that or blah blah blah.." ( It will make a long story)
But once we can get what we want, do we ever think that "It's enough, I'm happy now, this is my happiness."?
No, no... I never think so, once we're still alive or breath and any blood still runs in our vein, it's never enough. For example, I want to run 100m in 10 secs tomorrow, and I can make it. And the day after tomorrow, I want to make it in 9 secs and the other day in 8 secs and so on.
Yes, we never feel enough and always run and run and run and may think that if we're still running we will achieve what we call "happiness". But have you ever think that actually what we think it's a happiness just stepping far far away from us when we try hard to grab it?
If we can't grab it, we're very sad and it becomes the end of the day, A.K.A Dooms day.
Come on friends... Happiness is never be anywhere. It's just HERE and NOW, this moment. If we can stop running even just a minute, feel that moment, the present moment we live now.
Feel the air we take, look around us, feel inside our body and heart, hear any sounds and build up your awareness, drop any worries, lock any negative thoughts and feelings inside the garage... Happiness will come to you, approach you with no sound.... and you will know what is enough.

Breathe in...
Breathe out...
Breathe in...
Breathe out...

Happiness is here and now
I have dropped my worries
Nowhere to go, nothing to do
No longer in a hurry

Happiness is here and now
I have dropped my worries
Somewhere to go, something to do
But not in a hurry
By Plum Village Monastic

Hope that song will remind us every time :)
Be Happy and Have Fun All Day

"The happy person is the one who knows his own feeling/heart very well and can manage it well without exploitation to negative attitude."


  1. Everybody has his/her own kind of happiness. Only that person knows how to define happiness for him/her self. It's not as simple as breathe in & breathe out, Sweetie.
    Can't wait to read your next post!
    Cheers, ES

    1. You're right about kind of happiness. Anyway, could you not to define breathe in & breathe out as "breathe in & breathe out" only? Actually it's not just like the words "breathe in & breathe out". It's "insight"

      Be happy :)
